ArcRR: The Arrcus Route Reflector

Build flexible, scalable networks while achieving industry-leading performance

Get an in-depth look at these capabilities

ArcRR is a modern-day route reflector helping companies build scalable networks with best-in-class path scale and convergence, streaming telemetry, and vendor-neutral OpenConfig/YANG provisioning

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Intelligent routing

Optimizes route policy lookup workflow and intelligently leverages routing policies and routing entries to drive higher performance

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Simplified operations

Eliminates policy change management task and vendor-specific integration requirements, improving operational efficiency and reducing equipment acquisition costs

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Deployment flexibility

Supports multiple form factors (bare metal, VM, container) and a wide range of deployment options in data center, central office, PoP, and private or public cloud scenarios

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© 2024 Arrcus Inc.



2077 Gateway Place Suite 400 San Jose, CA, 95110

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